Hi, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit my low carb weight loss for women blog. I am now passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. I have personally lost 105 pounds by following the exact tips I provide in this blog. One thing that is super important to keep in mind that this not a diet, it is a way of living.
My Weight Loss Journey
About 5 years ago I was extremely overweight so it was not much of a surprise to find out that I had type 2 diabetes at my doctors visit. I went to doctor recommended diabetes class provided at my local doctors office and started on oral medications. That quickly escalated to give myself shots once a day. I then soon found out through more testing that my kidneys were being damaged and had suffered some permanent damage.
I knew at this point that I had to start eating better and I seriously had to lose some weight. I also knew that I could not do this on my own. I mean let's face it if I could I would not have been so overweight with shots and permanent kidney damage!
I started to check into the different weight loss surgeries that were available at the time only to find out how expensive it would be and my insurance would not pay for it. They would rather pay for my medical bills and medications that try to treat the problem..... But that is a whole other rant lol. But in the long run I am glad that they did not because I learned to change my eating lifestyle, eat healthy, and keep the weight off!
I then started looking for other options that would actually work not some crazy wild lose weight fast only to gain back almost double what I lost. Been there done that!!! Too many times! I came across several options but none really seemed like I would actually follow through with them. I needed accountability. I needed someone to literally show me what to eat for the day and I absolutely did not want to buy pre packaged foods.
Then I was sitting in my chair at my house watching tv when a commercial come on for a weight loss clinic in my area that would basically hold your hand and guide you all the way to meeting your weight loss goals. And they were having a special if you made an appointment and went in within a week. So I called made an appointment and went in. I did not expect that to cost so much either, they charged by how much you wanted to lose and I had 100 pounds to lose.
So a couple of thousand dollars later I was walking out of the clinic and starting my own journey. I walked out with a food journal, a list of foods to choose from, a bag of supplements, snacks, and a guarantee that I would lose the weight. I catch to this was the accountability. I had to go in at least 3 times a week to have my weight recorded and show them my weekly food journal. They would help me when I was going astray and keep me on track. It's terrible when you go in there and you gained!
One year later I lost 105 pounds with their help! I then entered maintenance mode for 6 months where they helped me learn to maintain my weight. It has been 2 years since I left the program and I still maintain my weight loss. Along with my weight loss I am no longer on any medications for my diabetes and it is now completely controlled through my diet. I have been off my medications now for 2 1/2 years. My last lab work up showed my kidneys were still stable and my A1C was 5.2! All done through changing the way I eat.
My Goal To You
I can not hold your hand or have you weigh in front of me three times a week lol. But what I can do is share what I learned on my journey, how I lost the weight, the eating plan I used and still use now, and help you reach your goals. I will give you everything you need to do this for yourself. You just have to really want to do it and have the motivation to go through with it!
Look around my blog, use the search bar if you are looking for something particular, or contact me in my facebook group here -
My Weight Loss Journey
About 5 years ago I was extremely overweight so it was not much of a surprise to find out that I had type 2 diabetes at my doctors visit. I went to doctor recommended diabetes class provided at my local doctors office and started on oral medications. That quickly escalated to give myself shots once a day. I then soon found out through more testing that my kidneys were being damaged and had suffered some permanent damage.
I knew at this point that I had to start eating better and I seriously had to lose some weight. I also knew that I could not do this on my own. I mean let's face it if I could I would not have been so overweight with shots and permanent kidney damage!
I started to check into the different weight loss surgeries that were available at the time only to find out how expensive it would be and my insurance would not pay for it. They would rather pay for my medical bills and medications that try to treat the problem..... But that is a whole other rant lol. But in the long run I am glad that they did not because I learned to change my eating lifestyle, eat healthy, and keep the weight off!
I then started looking for other options that would actually work not some crazy wild lose weight fast only to gain back almost double what I lost. Been there done that!!! Too many times! I came across several options but none really seemed like I would actually follow through with them. I needed accountability. I needed someone to literally show me what to eat for the day and I absolutely did not want to buy pre packaged foods.
Then I was sitting in my chair at my house watching tv when a commercial come on for a weight loss clinic in my area that would basically hold your hand and guide you all the way to meeting your weight loss goals. And they were having a special if you made an appointment and went in within a week. So I called made an appointment and went in. I did not expect that to cost so much either, they charged by how much you wanted to lose and I had 100 pounds to lose.
So a couple of thousand dollars later I was walking out of the clinic and starting my own journey. I walked out with a food journal, a list of foods to choose from, a bag of supplements, snacks, and a guarantee that I would lose the weight. I catch to this was the accountability. I had to go in at least 3 times a week to have my weight recorded and show them my weekly food journal. They would help me when I was going astray and keep me on track. It's terrible when you go in there and you gained!
One year later I lost 105 pounds with their help! I then entered maintenance mode for 6 months where they helped me learn to maintain my weight. It has been 2 years since I left the program and I still maintain my weight loss. Along with my weight loss I am no longer on any medications for my diabetes and it is now completely controlled through my diet. I have been off my medications now for 2 1/2 years. My last lab work up showed my kidneys were still stable and my A1C was 5.2! All done through changing the way I eat.
My Goal To You
I can not hold your hand or have you weigh in front of me three times a week lol. But what I can do is share what I learned on my journey, how I lost the weight, the eating plan I used and still use now, and help you reach your goals. I will give you everything you need to do this for yourself. You just have to really want to do it and have the motivation to go through with it!
Look around my blog, use the search bar if you are looking for something particular, or contact me in my facebook group here -